
Preceptor assist the student intern for a positive experience while preparing each student for a career in healthcare as related to all COPHS programs; Clinical Laboratory Sciences, 环境卫生, 卫生行政, 医疗管理(硕士), 健康信息管理, 药店, 呼吸疗法

通过导师们的共同努力, 学生, 教师, 行政管理团队, 和经验丰富的员工学术健全, practice experience that facilitates achievement of the course competencies.

The learning experience our 学生 receive is dependent on selection of suitable pharmacists or health professional preceptor to be preceptors, and adjunct 教师 in the Department of 药店 Practice and Clinical 健康科学 (PPCHS).  The pharmacist or health professional preceptor must be licensed and in good standing with the Texas State Board of 药店 or, 如果是在联邦机构, with a Board of 药店 in the USA as required by the practice environment, 或者他们的专业领域. The pharmacist preceptor must have a current and active Texas State Board of 药店 Preceptor Certificate and the health professional preceptor the required certification for their program or field prior to participating in a preceptor training program and maintained throughout their preceptor role.


  • 有专业知识和技能的
  • 对自己的职业感到自豪
  • 有合乎道德的决策
  • 有领导


Pharmacist who are interested in becoming a TSU COPHS Preceptor, 并能满足TSBP训导的要求, should contact the 体验训练办公室 (OET) office at (713) 313-1290 or email cophscpd@crypto-fame.net,或联系OET人员.


The 体验训练办公室 must have the following documents on file prior to undergoing Preceptor Orientation 101:

Preceptor Information: (This information must be completed and/or uploaded into E*Value)

  • 完成TSU导师简介
  • 简历或个人简历
  • 完整的传记数据页在e值
  • Complete 3 hours of Preceptor CE training through an ACPE approved provider and upload your certificate to your E-value profile (药店 Program)
  • Preceptor Certificate; current,  active TSBP issued (药店 Program)
  • 其他的认证, .i.e. Board certifications (BPS), Immunization certification, etc.
  • 训导员承诺声明


For certification as a preceptor by the Texas State Board of 药店 (requirements for all Texas preceptors):

  1. 你必须:
    • One year of experience as a pharmacist; or
    • Six months of residency training in a program accredited by the American Society of 健康-System Pharmacists.
  2. Have completed 3 hours of preceptor training provided by an ACPE approved provider within the previous two years or within my current license renewal period. The preceptor training must be developed by a Texas college of pharmacy or approved by a committee comprised of the Texas colleges of pharmacy, 并由ACPE认可的供应商提供.
  3. You may not serve as a preceptor if your license to practice pharmacy has been the subject of an order of the board imposing any penalty set out in the Act, §565.051, during the period serving as preceptor or within the three-year period immediately preceding application for approval as a preceptor, unless the board has granted written petition to serve as a preceptor, 根据§283.德克萨斯州药房规则第6(c)条.

For additional information on preceptors from the Texas State Board of 药店, please go to http://www.tsbp.state.tx.us/infocist/. 本网站还提供了教学应用程序, 训导CE信息, and information for potential providers of preceptor education and training programs.

As 校长教师 members in the Department of 药店 Practice and Clinical 健康科学 (PPCHS) will receive:

  1. Invitations to and recognition during special events held by the College
  2. Recognition and participation during accreditation site visits
  3. Reduced fees for selected continuing pharmacy education events sponsored by the College
  4. Access to library resources of 德克萨斯南方大学

如果符合条件, and interested in an adjunct 教师 appointment you may submit a Letter of Interest with CV/Resume to: Dr. Inyang Nora Osemene
  Chair, 药店 Practice and Clinical 健康科学 Department
  (713) 313-1887

The success of this program heavily depends on the dedication of our affiliated partners and preceptors, we appreciate the time and effort put forth in educating our 学生 and contributing to the development of future pharmacists.  我们欢迎您的任何和所有的评论和反馈.

Practice Program Experiential Preceptor Manual 2019-2020F


(This information must be completed and/or uploaded into E*Value)


(This information must be completed and/or uploaded into E*Value)

2018-2019 Preceptor of the Year Award Recipients and Nominees